1001 Tales the Roleplaying Game

How did this all start? Where did it come from? I suppose it started in the middle of the 1990s. I'd been running roleplaying games for a number of years and was halfway through another set of house rules to turn a system into the system I wanted to run. The TV was showing the X-files, which was a few seasons in; Hercules the Legendary Journeys; Xena the Warrior Princess and The Adventures of Sinbad. I think I was watching the last one of those, when I looked at the rules I was working my way through and what was going on on the television and swore, threw the rulebook to the corner of the room (where it was later chewed on by a mouse) and sat down to drink beer and ponder a better system.

A year later Robin D Law's Feng Shui appeared on the market and I forgot about 1001 Tales for a while, but only for a while. Over the years 1001 Tales has resurfaced and I have worked on it, run it for a few years then taken a break and gone back to thinking about it for a while. The rules have changed - drastically at first, then slowly as the system has been refined.

The result is 1001 Tales.

Update 04/04/2017: So Conpulsion 2017 is coming to Edinburgh on the 7th to 9th of April and 1001 Tales will be on sale then for the first time. I only have 46 copies to sell - a short first (and maybe only) print run. It was 50 but one is going in the auction and three copies went to my three editors as a thank you.
Update 20/02/2017: We have a proof copy from the printers, we've accepted it and the hard copies come soon.
Update 10/12/2016: The main rulebook is now out for secondary editors to proof read.